Tuesday, October 28

Happiness and Driving

Hi guys,

Today I am here with a tiny little update, but a happy one!

I got my driving license!

I am so excited that I just wanted to share with you. 

That was it. Enjoy your day.


Monday, October 27

Weekly Update #3: Autumn Break and More Laziness

Hi guys!

Yes, this update is one day late. I know - so far for clinging to deadlines, right? This week I had my autumn break and even though I had - and still have as I write this - an awful lot to do, I had quite a lazy and relaxed week.

Sunday, October 19

Weekly Update #2: School, Intern ship and Being Lazy

Hi guys!

I'm back with another weekly update, as promised. Nothing special happened this week, but it was a fun week anyway.

Saturday, October 18

Fallen For Fashion: Holland Roden

Hi guys,

Welcome to the next post in the "Fallen For Fashion"-series. Today I want to show you some outfits worn by the gorgeous Holland Roden. This red-haired actress is known for playing Lydia Martin in one of my favourite series; Teen Wolf.

Sunday, October 12

Weekly Update #1: School, Once Upon A Time and Coziness

Hi guys,

Here I am again! I did some thinking about blogging today and I realised that I might not be able to post a Fallen For Fashion or a Series Sunday every week, I should be able to write a weekly update every week. Sundays are usually calm and lazy, so why not write an update about my life and what I've been up to this past week?

Tuesday, October 7

Just a Little Chat

Hi guys,

How are you? I'm done well, I guess..  I just quickly wanted to write this post to let you know that I'm not dead. I am very much alive actually, meaning I am very busy. School just takes up a whole lot of time. Right now I'm sitting in one of my favourite cafes in town, after strolling arround and buying a few things here and there; two pairs of jeans - as I only have two left because they just keep tearing apart - as well as a nice scarf.

Autumn has arrived and it is one of my favourite seasons. Just because you're allowed to hide behind huge sweaters and large scarfs. Besides you can just snuggle up on the sofa with a fleece blanket, some warm socks and a huge cup of tea. You can watch tv all day and no one can tell you that you should go outside and enjoy the sun. I'm definitely guilty of watching tv all day. Once Upon a Time appeared on the Dutch Netflix last week and I've been watching it ever since, even my mom is hooked while she normally isn't a big fan of fantasy-ish tv shows. I believe the last episode I watched was 2x18.

Talking about tv shows; all my favourite shows started their new season! Downton Abbey started a few weeks ago, as well as Doctor Who (but I missed every episode after the start of the new season) and then the CW started with the new seasons as well. I loved the first episode of Reign, but hated the firt episode of The Vampire Diaries. I was dissapointed last season, season 5, and I told myself that I would watch the first episode of season 6 and if I didn't like it, I wouldn't have to watch it again. Well.. No more TVD for me. It used to be my favourite show, but I feel like they just don't know what to do anymore. Enough whining for now because The Originals started again! I LOVE THAT SHOW. Really, The Originals (The spin-off of the Vampire Diaries) had my heart when they first aired and this season premiere did not disappoint. I was really looking forward to it and I am really happy that it is back.

I guess that was about it. I'm going to finish my coffee and then head to school. I am not sure when I will post again, but I'll try my est to make it soon.

