Monday, December 22

My New Year's Resolutions for 2015

Hi guys!

It's that time of the year again; it's almost Christmas and we are all thinking about the things that we are going to change in de upcoming year. Well, I did some thinking myself and I thought it might be nice to share my New Year's Resolutions with you!

Let's go!

#1: Take singing lessons
Yes, I want to take singing lessons, but mainly I would like to treat my voice with more care. I don't believe I've mentioned this before, but I really really enjoy singing, and I - if you are allowed to say that about yourself - am decent at it. The thing is that I have no idea how to treat my voice, which sometimes causes a lot of pain afterwards. So, I would love to learn how to sing with more care. I think I will be looking at videos at YouTube as I am trying to save money as well and vocal classes are just really really expensive. Maybe at some point, I might start to record covers that I will post on this blog. With great emphasise on maybe!

#2: Learn to tapdance
I would like to learn to tapdance so badly! I think it is so much fun, but it is a good workout as well. Also, I just love musicals and I think it really fits that scene. What I didn't mention is that I would like to improve my posture as well, as I am becoming a teacher and I'll be standing in front of the classroom for the rest of my life, so I might take up some ballet stuff as well.

#3: Get healthier and take better care of myself
This is the most obvious one, but to me it is really important. Over the last 1,5 years I have gained over 20 kg while I was already at the edge of being overweight, so I really need to start and get healthy again. Hopefully I'll lose some of those kilos, but I mainly want to get healthy because my body is in a terrible condition. 

#4: Update my blog more often
This is just the last "big" thing that I would like to focus on in 2015. I do have the most busy year at school, but I really want to learn how to combine that with this blog. Also, I would like to add a "About Me" page, as I constantly forget that I don't have one yet. I am not going to promise anything, but I am going to try, as I just love writing and I would like to share my opinions and my life with the Internet and basically everyone who is interested.

I know that this wasn't the best blogpost ever, but I just wanted to let you know anyway. I am just really busy at the moment and even though the holidays are coming up, I have an awful lot of schoolwork to finish. That doesn't mean that I won't try to write as many blogposts as possible, as I don't have any left, except for a few Fallen For Fashion posts.

Happy Holidays!


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